Tax Credits and Incentives

Put your profits back where they belong: driving expansion and innovation for your organization. With experienced guidance credits and incentives can be a powerful tool for fueling your growth.

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Tax Credits and Incentives

Turn tax expenses into positive cash flow

A key to your growth can be maximizing federal, state, and local government tax programs designed to stimulate growth, incentivize businesses to join or stay in a community, and spur innovation. When you leverage these opportunities you can significantly reduce your tax burden and funnel capital back into your organization, even for past tax years through amended returns.

Ethics at the heart of tax credits and incentives

The world of tax credits and incentives is, unfortunately, rife with big promises and dangerous repercussions. At MGO, we always put your interests first. In all of our engagements we offer fixed fee rates that are not contingent on what we save you. This helps avoid IRS red flags and delivers you peace-of-mind.

Tax Credit and Incentives Solutions

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R&D Tax Credits

Power innovation by reducing tax liability through state and federal R&D credits.

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Work Opportunity Tax Credit

Enhance your tax strategy with our Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) services. Benefit from potential credits for hiring qualified employees and support diversity.

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Renewable Energy Investments and Credits

For governments, businesses, or nonprofits seeking financial incentives for renewable energy investments, understanding and utilizing available tax credits and funding mechanisms is essential.

Tax Leaders Ready To Serve You

As you grow, you face complex risks and opportunities. Benefit from hands-on guidance focused on delivering top-to-bottom value for you and your organization.

Your Goals are our Passion

Share your goals with us and we’ll help you achieve them.