We are a different kind of firm.

Different in how we treat our clients, different in how we work with each other, and different in the results we achieve.

These differences are best captured in the 26 Fundamentals that are the foundation for our unique culture.

This is the MGO Way

  • 1. Have a “build” mindset.

    Innovation, improvement, and success don’t come
    from playing it safe. They come from an intentional
    willingness to try some thing new or create something
    different. Bring your ideas, energy, passion, and
    purpose to build something and take MGO and its
    clients to the next level each and every day.

  • 2. Do what’s best for the client.

    In all situations, do what’s best for the client. Put
    their needs first. Give them not what they simply
    ask for but what they need. Guide their financial world
    comprehensively with genuine care.

  • 3. Act with integrity.

    Demonstrate an unwavering commitment to doing
    the right thing in every action you take and in every
    decision you make, especially when no one is looking.
    Always tell the truth, no matter the consequences.
    If you make a mistake, own up to it, apologize, and
    make it right.

  • 4. Practice blameless problem-solving.

    Demonstrate a relentless solution focus, rather than
    pointing fingers or dwelling on problems. Identify
    lessons learned and use those lessons to improve
    ourselves and our processes so we don’t make the
    same mistake twice. Get smarter with every mistake.
    Learn from every experience.

  • 5. Think team first.

    It’s not about you, it’s about the team. Don’t let ego or
    personal agendas get in the way of doing what’s best
    for the MGO team or the client. Be willing to share
    people and expertise with others across the firm to
    deliver the very best solutions for our clients. Avoid
    unhealthy competition and have each other’s backs.

  • 6. Be proactive.

    Solve problems before they happen by anticipating
    future issues, planning for contingencies, and
    addressing them them in advance. Work with
    appropriate lead times. Be prepared and take initiative.
    Take control and avoid surprises. Preventing issues is
    always better than fixing them.

  • 7. Listen generously.

    Listening is more than simply “not speaking.” Give others your undivided attention. Be present and engaged. Minimize the distractions and let go of the need to agree or disagree. Suspend your judgment and be curious to know more, rather than jumping to conclusions. Above all, seek first to understand.

  • 8. Straight talk.

    Speak honestly in a respectful way that helps to make
    progress. Say what you mean, and be willing to ask
    questions, share ideas, or raise issues that may cause
    conflict when it is necessary for the team’s success.
    Be courageous enough to say what needs to be said.
    Address issues directly with those who are involved
    or affected.

  • 9. Show meaningful appreciation.

    Recognizing people doing things right is more effective
    than pointing out when they do things wrong. Regularly
    extend meaningful acknowledgment and appreciation
    — in all directions throughout our firm.

  • 10. Focus on personal growth.

    Be a lifelong learner. Seek out and take advantage of
    every opportunity to gain more knowledge, increase
    your skills, and become a greater professional. Be
    enthusiastic about sharing what you’ve learned with
    others to better the team and better our clients.

  • 11. Be curious.

    In the search for the best solutions challenge and
    question what you don’t understand. Don’t accept
    anything at “face value” if it doesn’t make sense to
    you. Be curious, ask thoughtful questions, and listen
    intently to the answers. Dig deeper to go beyond the
    expected. Ask the extra question.

  • 12. Be relentless about improvement.

    Continuously re-evaluate every aspect of your work
    to find ways to do it even better. Don’t be satisfied
    with the status quo. Because we have always done it
    this way is not a reason to not make improvements.
    Find ways to get things done faster, more efficiently,
    and deliver a better experience to our colleagues and
    our clients.

  • 13. Set clear expectations.

    Create clarity and avoid misunderstandings by
    discussing expectations upfront. Set expectations
    for others and ask when you’re not clear on what
    someone expects of you. End all meetings with
    clarity about action items, responsibilities, and
    due dates.

  • 14. Invest in relationships.

    Trust is essential to building meaningful relationships.
    Build trust by getting to know colleagues and clients
    on a personal level. Show people you care abou
    them as individuals, moving beyond what is required
    to transact business. Strong relationships enable us
    to work through difficult issues and challenging times
    more successfully.

  • 15. Be a fanatic about response time.

    Respond to questions and concerns quickly,
    whether in person, on the phone, or by email. This
    includes simply acknowledging that you got the
    question and you’re “on it,” as well as keeping
    those involved continuously updated on the status
    of outstanding issues.

  • 16. Go beyond.

    Be willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish the
    job … plus a little bit more. Whether it is starting early,
    staying late, or doing something that’s not in your
    job description, it’s the extra mile that separates the
    ordinary from the extraordinary.

  • 17. Create loyalty and a great experience.

    Our business is all about creating great experiences
    for each other and our clients. Go the extra mile,
    create those “wow” moments that clients and
    colleagues will tell others about. Create loyalty
    not by doing just what is expected, but by doing
    the unexpected.

  • 18. Embrace change.

    What got us here will not get us to the next level.
    Get outside your comfort zone and familiar ways
    of doing things and be willing to try something
    new and different. Change pushes each of us to
    grow personally and as a firm. Be excited by the
    opportunities change brings.

  • 19. Deliver results.

    While effort is appreciated, we reward results.
    Take ownership, follow-up on everything, and
    see things through to completion. Set high goals,
    measure and track your progress and professional
    growth, and hold yourself accountable not only for
    the results but the positive outcomes you create for
    clients and colleagues.

  • 20. Be positive.

    You have the power to choose your attitude. Choose
    to be joyful, optimistic, and enthusiastic. Pay attention
    to your tone in emails and in conversations.
    Avoid negativity. Your attitude is contagious. Spread
    kindness, optimism, and positive energy.

  • 21. Honor commitments.

    We work for each other ― not just with each other.
    Do what you say you’re going to do when you say
    you’re going to do it. This includes being on time
    for all phone calls, appointments, meetings, and
    keeping promises. If a commitment can’t be fulfilled,
    notify others early and agree on a new deliverable
    to be honored.

  • 22. Pay attention to the details.

    Missing just one detail can have an enormous impact
    on work. Be a fanatic about accuracy and precision.
    The goal is to get things right, not simply to get them
    done. Double-check your work. Get the details right
    the first time.

  • 23. Walk in your clients’ shoes.

    Understand your (internal and external) clients’ world.
    Seek to understand their business opportunities and
    challenges. See the world from their perspective. The
    better you understand them, the more effectively
    you can anticipate and meet their needs as a trusted
    business advisor.

  • 24. Share information.

    Communicate, communicate, communicate. Learn
    to ask yourself, “Who else needs to know this?” The
    more information sharing and transparency, the
    better we collaborate and effectively serve our clients
    and each other.

  • 25. Embrace diversity.

    Welcome people who may be different from you.
    Seek out what you can learn from them or how their
    unique perspective will make the work we do even
    better. Be inclusive. Make everyone feel that they
    belong. Diversity strengthens our firm.

  • 26. Keep things fun.

    While our passion for excellence is real, remember
    there are bigger challenges in the world than
    the work we do every day. Keep everything in
    perspective. Don’t take things personally or take
    yourself too seriously. Make sure to laugh and
    enjoy every day.

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